TaxSpooler is a tax management program of the documents issued by your company.
In the context of the integrated management of the issuing/ keeping process of these documents, it can also be linked to other Metafuture programs.
A company (a) may be bound or decide without obligation but for reasons to ensure authenticity, to sign its documents in some way, or (b) is not obliged and decides not to obtain a digital signature.
In the event that you wish to receive a digital signature (by choice or by obligation), he has to use someone FHM or some provider.
We distinguish 3 types of POS
So it is better for a business to avoid supplying various types of POS, both for financial reasons, as well as for reasons of simplicity and avoiding unintentional violations of the legislation.
As a consequence, it must manage all of its documents in exactly the same way, i.e. all of them to be signed by FHM, or all of them by provider.
In the case of using FΗM, we have 2 QR codes, in the other cases 1.